The USI Tech Convention took place on the 28th of October 2017. This is was the first annual conference hosted by the company and it featured esteemed guest speakers from the world of finance and technology including Ralph Gold, Mike Feifer, Daven Michaels and Horst Jicha.

USI Tech Coin Latest Updates

The key points discussed during this conference include:

(i) New Interface:

The USI Platform now features a great variety of video tutorial content. The entire website has been restructured to make it easier for key information to be conveyed to the potential customer.

(ii) Increased Accessibility:

Previously, USI-Tech had some issues with the overall website outlay. So to prevent future similar issues, the 3×3 Matrix from the structural algorithm has been removed from the core design.

(iii) Change in Commission distribution:

Another key update to the USI platform is the change in the ‘commission’s structure’. Like before, it still remains on a ‘12 level Uni-level structure’, however the unlocking of levels has been changed and now users can no longer purchase a 600 EUR license to unlock all 12 levels.  Core features of the new structure include:

  • It is now based upon the number of people who have 25 packages or more. In the first level of commissions (10%), no qualifications are required.
  • After having obtained 3 directs with 25 packages or more, users can unlock the 2nd and 3rd level.
  • Lastly, each successive level is then unlocked with and additional direct with 25 packages or more.

(iv) Improved Customer Service:

In order to maximize tech support, the platform has now been loaded with ‘voice capability’ so as to make ticket issuing easier. In addition to this, there are now 123 dedicated employees  working around the clock in different locations and time zones. All of the operation centres are run through one centralised number, thereby increasing customer satisfaction rate.

(v) New Exchange Options:

USI Tech has released a new feature called an ‘Internal exchange’ which provides us with the option to help us purchase BTC packages directly. Also, readers will be happy to know that they will also be able to buy crypto’s via an external wallet  thereby allowing for an additional 3rd purchase option.

(vi ) More Transparency:

Users now have the option to buy ‘Forex’ licenses within the the USI Tech platform itself.  Also, there  is a  ‘100% transparent trading page’ within the new website which allows us to see exactly all of the transactions that are taking place in the market.

(vii) New Cryptocurrency:

One of the biggest announcements of the evening was when USI-Tech launched its own Cryptocurrency called the ‘TechCoin (UTC)’. In terms of ICO details we can see that there will be a total supply of an initial 500 Million tokens. These tokens will be made to go live on the  1st of November. Other aspects of the ICO include:

  • There are 50EUR packages that allow for a purchase of 100 tokens.
  • Interested customers should also known that the first 15 Million have already been made available for pre-sale. To make a purchase, users can visit the following link:
  • Through this ICO, USI Tech aims to adding an additional 10 million USD of mining infrastructure on a monthly basis so as to increase its current porfilio. The legal documentation for all of this however has not yet been released.

(viii) New and Improved Power Structure:

To ensure trading at all times, USI Tech has invested vastly in a new ‘power generation infrastructure’ that has been based upon the use of  permanent magnets that can provide 25 kw of power at almost zero electricity cost. In addition to this, the company also plants to introduce 3,000,000 atm’s worldwide so as to make buying/selling of cryptocurrencies much easier.